Why Hire A Digital Marketing Expert?
Do you run a business that is trying to utilize the online digital marketing space? Are you struggling to keep up with all the new trends or perhaps your company is growing and you’re ready to scale your business to the next level?
If any of these apply to you then you can certainly benefit from a digital marketing expert.
If you’d like some help deciding if hiring a freelance marketing consultant OR digital marketing expert is the right move for you, take a look at some reasons below about why it could be worth it.
They’ll Help You Achieve Success Faster
Marketing can only be as good as the product or service you sell. If you believe in your business and know its potential worth, why not hire a professional who can help you reach a destination you know you’re already destined to reach?
A digital marketing specialist worth their money will be able to propel your business in the right direction.
They can help push your brand awareness on social media, start new email marketing campaigns. They can help you utilize video marketing strategies and how to appear in the highest possible place on a search engine.
With their knowledge, they can offer customers advice on how to build their brand which can offer you returns long term.
Digital marketing experts can get you results!
Digital marketing experts can help you achieve better results faster than if you do it yourself. They can do this because of their years of experience in working in digital and social media marketing.
Choose one of the top digital marketing experts in the digital marketing industry who can help you expand your business presence and boost your companies income.
Learn and grow
If you’ve been doing your own digital marketing for a while then you’ll know there’s no end to how much you can learn. The world of digital marketing is constantly changing. Sometimes it’s the search engine preferring new approaches and other times social media begins to prefer new things.
A qualified digital marketer can keep you updated with the latest digital marketing strategies. They can do this independently of you if you want, but if you want to learn more about digital marketing they can provide you with the information you need to learn more.
Doing this could be great for your companies’ long term future, and in a short time you could find yourself an expert in marketing techniques and how to manage a successful marketing campaign.
Fix Bad Habits
If you’ve been doing your own digital marketing then there is a chance that you’ve picked up some bad habits. Perhaps you focus too much on what isn’t as important and too little on what is.
Regardless of how proficient, you may be at digital marketing there is a strong chance that you still won’t know as much as the digital marketing experts. Which makes sense as you’ve got a whole business to run, they are a marketing specialist.
A marketing specialist can help you identify what issues or bad habits you have with digital marketing. Once they’ve identified these issues they can help you resolve them and improve your digital marketing ability.
They can do this as well as teach you how to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.
They Help You Stay On Top Of the Latest Trends
Digital Marketing is one of the most rapidly advancing industries with new technology and trends arising all the time.
There are constant changes in social media, online marketing and content marketing and these issues are hard to keep on top of. Digital marketing trends are constantly changing.
Digital marketing experts can help you learn about these developing trends before your competition which can put you in a prime position to leverage these for your marketing strategies.
By doing this successfully you can increase your market share in your industry.
They Will Analyse Your Competition
Great digital marketing experts don’t just look at your business, they can also analyse your competition and what they’re doing.
Looking at your companies competitors can help you understand what your business is doing well at, and what your business should change and start doing.
Doing this can boost your business.
For example, if you look at how other companies are approaching social media marketing then you can see if it’s working, how it is and if that strategy can apply to you.
Do what others aren’t doing!
If you notice something that they’re not doing you can focus on that and beat them. Leveraging this to your advantage can be a huge boon to your marketing campaigns.
Knowing what other companies strategies are can hugely benefit your business.
They Can Be Hired Whenever They’re Needed
If you’re a small business it may be unwise to commit to hiring in-house digital marketers. Hiring them would mean a hefty new permanent salary as well as a new employee to accommodate and keep motivated.
Hiring freelance digital marketing experts means you won’t have these additional costs nor do you have to worry about long term fees. Hiring a marketing specialist means that you won’t be lumbered with these things and you will only need to hire them while you need their services.
If you’re a very marketing-savvy business owner then you could perhaps use them to learn about content marketing and then when you feel proficient enough, you can stop hiring them and do the work yourself now that you’re aware of marketing trends.
This would mean fewer expenses, less wasted time, and more budget for your business.
More Budget = One of the Top Digital Marketers
If you save money by not hiring an in-house digital marketer you can use this money to finance a better digital marketing agency.
This is a good use of money as they’d have a lot more experience than any digital marketers you’d be able to hire for an in-house team as they come with a team.
As they are a team of experts they can do much more than the sole in-house marketer you could alternatively hire.
They Can Be Hired Remotely
One of the benefits of working with a digital marketer is they’re available wherever you need them to be.
If you’re in the UK, hiring a US digital marketing specialist isn’t a negative as all the same trends and advice is still the same. So you can choose from a huge swath of potential marketing agencies.
They’re quick.
In this new digital era, you no longer have to wait for an agency to come and visit your office to potentially see what they could do for you.
A professional marketer can be contacted in a matter of minutes and will often reply quicker than your Mum!
Choose how to use them.
Have you set aside time for growth but don’t know what to do with it? Or do you have so little time you wish there were more hours in a day?
When you hire an expert, the choice is yours whether you wish to learn from their expertise, or to simply put it to good use for you!
Having this option allows you to make the most of your hire and as every digital agency has multiple members of their team, they will certainly have someone who can accommodate your wants.
What sort of Digital Marketing is there?
One of the big problems with digital marketing is that there are so many parts to it. It can seem almost impenetrable. Online marketing is no joke and it can take years of experience just to perfect it.
That’s why if you’re a first-timer it’s important to get help from a marketing specialist.
One of the first things a good digital marketing expert will do is tell you what sort of marketing campaign strategy would suit your business.
There are so many different subcategories of digital marketing but these are the main 4.
Social Media Marketing.
In the 21st century, social media is an inevitable part of advertising and business. Whatever industry you’re in you’ve no doubt witnessed a company successfully utilise social media to boost their business through social media marketing.
What is it
Social media marketing is when businesses use social media to advance their business. This can be done in several ways.
You can use Twitter or Facebook to spread your product through their ads. As they are both so widespread it’s likely that regardless of what industry your business is in potential customers are using Twitter or Facebook.
Here is a 6 step guide to social media marketing.
Step 1. Set Goals for your Business
The first thing you should do to make the most of social media marketing is to know what exactly you want to achieve.
These can be things like ‘increase brand awareness or ‘generate sales.’
Step 2. Research your target audience
Your target audience depends on your product and who is likely to buy it. Having a slang filled social media page won’t help if you’re selling workplace staplers.
Different Platforms have different people
Facebook and Twitter are great places for social media advertisement due to their high earning userbase, which has more money to spend.
TikTok and Instagram have a younger audience so are great if you’re targeting Millenials.
Pinterest has a much higher female user count than male, which means if you’re target audience is female you could advertise on Pinterest.
Every platform has a different userbase and your target audience might be found on one of them more than others. That one would be the best place for you to advertise.
Step 3. Data-Driven
Social media marketing is very data-driven. It depends entirely on metrics which are made up of various factors.
How many people see your posts on your social media account?
How many clicks do your posts and ads generate? If few, why?
What sort of online engagement do you get? Are people always complaining about your business? Are you getting light-hearted comments? This shows how your business is perceived.
Which hashtags have been successful for you? Which haven’t? And what hashtags do customers associate your business with?
Answering these questions can determine your social media strategy.
Step 4. Create Great Content
Nobody is going to read through a boring monotonous tweet. Stuff said in the board room doesn’t work well on any social media, not even LinkedIn. Making the most of your Twitter or Facebook account is important.
Stick to themes when creating new social media content. You can use the same image styles or if you’re a meme centric page then keep on using those. Don’t alternate between funny twitters posts and serious ones.
Maintain your theme.
Time Sensitive
Whatever social media platform you use, whether Facebook or Twitter or other, is always changing. Digital trends and how users interact with social media sites will change over time. So it’s important to know what is going on.
Digital editing skills is something a good digital marketing team will have. This is important as creating quick and easy to watch videos is a great way to spread your brand across the world.
Step 5. Timely Posts
Different audiences use the internet at different times. When you know who your target audience is you’ll want to post at a time that’ll ensure they’ll click and see you’re newest posts.
Doing this also means that you’ll be able to respond to your customers in a timely fashion when it suits them.
Step 6. Assess and Reassess
As social media is constantly changing you’ll need to be constantly looking at what is and isn’t working. What can be changed and what should not.
This is a lot of work and can take a lot of time.
Hiring a digital marketing team can alleviate this pressure from you by doing the work themselves. They already know how to do it and how to give you the best brand presence on all forms of social media. From Twitter to Facebook, to Linkedin and more.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a form of digital marketing which is reliant on content. It is based on the idea that you can create, publish and provide your potential customers with content that can lead to them using your company and spreading your brand.
There are many types of content marketing to consider.
Social Media
We’ve talked about this moment ago in the previous section but social media content creation is a huge part of content marketing. Creating a unique post on Twitter can make your brand go viral.
Using influencers you can spread your campaigns quickly. Influencer marketing is a growing area of digital marketing and includes a photo, blog and video content marketing.
Using social media marketing helps you to connect with your customers across the world.
Infographics are easy to read and look at pictures that convey meaning. They are great for showing how your business can help customers and are much easier to look at than blog posts.
They can also appear in search engines image searches which is an area many companies don’t use in their digital marketing campaigns.
Blog Posts
Blog posts are a great form of content marketing as they cater towards SEO. SEO is a content strategy that is focused on making your brand appear as high in search engines as possible.
A huge plus to blog posts is they can be made about anything and can appear in a wide range of search results.
Podcasts are a huge growing industry and as such, they’re becoming more and more listened to. Which means more potential customers are using them.
You can pay for ads in a podcast that your target audience listens to or you could, if you’re a natural extrovert, start your own to promote your brand.
There is limitless potential for this content strategy.
Similarly to podcasts, you can have ads for your company appear in videos made by influencers who are relevant to your target audience.
These videos can appear on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or any other website. Google ads are a great tool to get started in video digital marketing as Google own YouTube which is the most used video streaming site on the internet.
Video marketing is a great way to get your company seen by people who otherwise may not see it. Due to its worldwide audience, it can be a huge boost to your brand awareness.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is a cheap marketing option. It’s one of the most efficient as well because if people are already on your mailing list it probably means they’re interested in your product.
Email marketing is when you send out emails about your company, and deals going, and campaigns you may be running. Sending them directly to potential customers is great and cost-effective.
Email marketing can be very beneficial to your company if you utilise it correctly. You can also use other content marketing solutions with email marketing. For example, video marketing combined with email marketing can offer a much more broad audience.
However, it can be tricky to run them as Google often sends email marketing campaigns into spam.
Getting a good digital marketing expert can deal with this problem, as they know how to manoeuvre around email marketing and they know how to make email marketing work for you.
Paid Search Marketing
Whenever you use a search engine, like Google, you’ll see ads at the top of the page. These are examples of paid search marketing.
These give your company a huge amount of potential customers. This is one of the top online marketing strategies right now.
Google Ads offer a great number of opportunities for your company to spread its brand awareness and connect with customers all over the world.
Claire Jarrett, as one of the top marketing agency experts, is especially good at Google Ads. Her website is a treasure trove of information on how to make the most of paid search marketing as well as all other forms of digital marketing.
Are You Looking To Hire A Digital Marketing Expert?
If you’d like help with your marketing strategy and would like to see how I can help, click here to take a look at hiring me.