How to Carry Out a Business (and Life) Audit

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Last Updated on: 28th June 2024, 02:57 pm

Today’s post has a different theme than normal, because while journaling and goal setting this morning, I took some time to carry out an audit of where my business is currently, along with where I’d like it to go in the next 12 months.

When I do this, I like to ask myself a ton of questions to help me focus on where my business – and life is going over the next 12 months. It’s similar to any sort of business audit, including PPC audits.

I then use the answers to create my weekly to do list, help me decide on the best lead magnets I will create over the coming months, and ensure my whole team stays on track with our current vision.

It took me around an hour to complete this, and when nearing the end it occurred to me that you too – might like to carry out this exercise…?

So here we go!

Here’s The Questions:

  • Who are my ideal clients?
  • Who can I NOT help?
  • What do I do for my best clients?
  • What do I rail against?
  • What beliefs do I need to reverse in my target market?
  • What beliefs do I need to instil in my target market?
  • What are my skills?
  • What do my target audience often not know or understand?
  • What assets do I have?
  • What are my business goals in the next 12 months?
  • What are my life goals in the next 12 months?
Below, you’ll find a list of my answers to these questions from this morning’s journaling, so you can see some examples to help when completing your own:
Who are my ideal clients?
Those providing a service – such as coaches, consultants, property investors etc
Those people who have or will have the business built around them or other key members of staff as the face of the business
Those providing valuable expertise in the world who are ready and willing to share that expertise
Who can I NOT help?
Affiliate marketers
What do I do for my best clients?
I help them to create appointments that are ready to buy – by using a combination of different methods such as email and retargeting across multiple platforms
I often help them take their businesses online – they may still be signing up clients face to face and want to make the move towards working online
I help them create leads that are pretty much ready to go, as booked appointments either for them or their salesteam to speak with
I help them ensure the prospect is ready to go, understands why they are the answer to their problem, and is not looking around at the competition
What do I rail against?
The belief that a single marketing “touch” can result in a great lead – i.e. the more they consume of your content the better qualified the lead will be
Not understanding the stats – you don’t need every person to buy – even if just 1% step forward a funnel can still be highly profitable
The belief that because competitors have already started advertising and built big audiences, there is no room in the market for anyone else
What beliefs do I need to reverse in my target market?
Facebook ads will stop working soon and aren’t worth starting now in 2018
Facebook ads won’t work for B2B
Facebook isn’t for serious business owners
There isn’t any room in the market for you
What beliefs do I need to instil in my target market?
A “funnel” does not have to be complex or difficult to manage
The time is now to get your pixels down
The time is now to get started with Facebook
It isn’t any more complex to add “multi platform” retargeting in to your funnel (Google, Twitter, LinkedIn etc)
The best quality leads are those that have come through a multi touch funnel
If you’re fed up of being asked to create proposals or being compared to the competition then multi touch marketing is the way forward
Just because your competition is already online does not mean there is no room in the market or it’s too late for you (in fact it means the market has matured and is now used to buying online!)
What are my skills?
Understanding and teaching complex strategies, breaking it down step by step to make it easy to follow
Keeping the focus on the money and the return
Ensure people know that the stats are the answer not how they “feel” about their ads
Seeing where people can easily make extra money with a few tweaks
Introducing repeat billing products within a company
Hiring and managing an outsourcing team
What do my target audience often not know or understand?
That they can create lookalikes based on past customer or email lists
That the sooner they add a pixel to their website – the sooner they can retarget the hottest prospects
That it takes time and patience to build an audience, and that it can take 3 to 6 months to build up the best audiences with reliable data
What assets do I have?
An email list of 39,000 people
Retargeting audiences and past video audiences of over 50,000 people
A variety of lead magnets – such as challenges, webinars, Facebook videos etc
A team who can assist me – graphic designer, web designer / tech support, video editor
What are my business goals in the next 12 months?
Launch my new Youtube channel
Grow my audience to at least 60,000 people
Acquire over 10,000 Youtube subscribers
Grow my email list to in excess of 50,000 people
Bring in between 3 to 6 new perfect clients each month to my agency
Get amazing results for my clients
Grow my team from 3 to 6
Attend 4 business events / mastermind meetups and make some amazing new connections
What are my life goals in the next 12 months?
Travel to at least 8 new countries
Achieve a body fat % of 20%
Make at least 10 new friends around the world
Help my 16 year old son through his GCSEs and into the sixth form he wants to attend

Enjoyed this exercise?

Would you like to talk with me about how I can help you achieve your business (and life!) goals?
Simply reach out to me via my Facebook Page or book in a call here – you’ll be able to copy and paste many of your answers straight in… 🙂
(More interested in Google Ads? Get better results faster! If you’re ready to set up profitable campaigns and achieve rapid Google Ads success in 7 easy steps, get your copy of my best-selling Google Ads book!)

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