4 Ways To Spice Up Your Company Blog
Last Updated on: 5th August 2022, 09:03 am
With every man and his dog jumping on the blogging bandwagon in an attempt to boost their SEO, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd.
Why should people read your company blog as opposed to the next business?
Let’s take a look at 5 different ways you can distinguish yourself from the competition and create a blog worth reading!
Use Interviews
Interviews are a great way to show your readers what you and your industry are really about. It also makes it more real and relatable, giving people insights that they wouldn’t get otherwise.
You should make an effort to reach out to industry experts in your field. It will give your content more credibility, you will get additional traffic through the expert, and help you build important relationships.
Stories sell. But not only that, stories get your readers engaged and coming back for more.
If you can master the art of storytelling and craft it in a way that is in sync with your company’s message, you will reap the rewards for time to come.
Make It Useful
This one is obvious. But it never fails to amaze me how often company blogs offer absolutely no benefit to their audience.
People don’t really care that one of your employees just had a birthday. They don’t care if your having an office party. Heck, they rarely care if you are even launching a new product. (Unless you have a raving fan audience)
People care about themselves, and what you can do for them. So make it useful for them.
Make It Easy To Digest
Make sure your posts are both easy to read and skimmable. Make use of bullet points, and use many paragraphs to make it easy for your audience to digest or skip certain parts of your post.
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