How to enter a competitive market with a brand new Google Ads campaign

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How to enter a competitive market with a brand new Google Ads campaign

Last Updated on: 22nd January 2024, 06:37 pm

So you’re in a highly competitive market, and you’re trying to compete successfully on Google Ads. As a Google Ads Consultant and Google Ads Coach, my clients often ask me: Is it possible to take on the well-established competitors and win? It certainly is, let’s take a look at how and why:

When beginning a brand new marketing campaign of any type – there is NO need to start from scratch. The great news is that our competitors have already done all the testing for us, we just need to access the results of those tests.

Our overall aim will be to reverse engineer what is already working for our top 5 competitors, and use this to build out a highly effective series of search campaigns.

Just imagine being able to identify that is working for your top competitors, and using that data to overtake them all rapidly….

By using this research based approach, we will leap frog them all and grab instant market share. And best of all? This can be done quickly and easily using the strategy I’m going to outline here.

Let’s get started by looking at the pieces we need to analyse.

We need to understand which keywords our competitors are bidding on, the ad copy they are using, and the landing pages they are sending traffic to. From this we can build our new campaigns based on what we know already works.

Step 1 – Which keywords are bringing in leads?

All the keywords your competitors have ever advertised on can be downloaded within a few clicks from one of the many competitor research tools available.

Using your research you will discover:

  • Which keywords they bid on consistently (if a keyword has been bid upon repeatedly, you can presume this keyword is working for them)
  • Which keywords they have stopped bidding upon (these have probably proved unprofitable)
  • Which keywords they are “accidentally” bidding on (if you add these as negative keywords, you’ll be able to achieve cheaper conversions)

Step 2 – Which ad copy has been working most effectively?

Again, within a few clicks you can download all the Ad Copy variations your competitor has ever used. This can then be analysed for themes and used in your own account.

It’s a key part of the process that you aim to understand which part of their offer and USP is appealing, so you can ensure yours is equally as attractive to the prospect. This applies both to the Ad Copy you’re using to bring in the prospect, and the landing pages you’re using.

Step 3 – Which landing pages have been working over time?

Using tools such as the Wayback Machine – you can identify past variations of competitors’ landing pages and see what changes they have made.

Now it’s time to take this data and use to build out a series of campaigns that we use to drive instantly profitable traffic to our website. The good news is that we have created tools and processes to automate this for you (check out the video on the i3 Method here).

Once your new campaigns are live, it’s time for optimisation. This involves analysing and applying settings to Locations and Demographics amongst other refinements, including boosting your Quality Score.

Want To Apply This in Your Business?

If you’re ready to apply the i3 Method in your business, let’s chat. Simply book in for a call with me now.

Get better results faster! Set up profitable campaigns and achieve rapid Google Ads success in 7 easy steps with your copy of my best-selling Google Ads book!

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