Mobile Friendly Websites Get Rewarded By Google…

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Last Updated on: 5th August 2022, 09:04 am

If you have ever been searching through Google using your mobile phone, you would have almost definitely come across a website where you have to scroll sideways to see everything. The text was probably also too small to read and I would imagine the links were far too tiny to click on.

This occurs when a website has not been properly optimised to work well with mobile phones, and it can be very frustrating. With one third of all time spent browsing the web occurring on a mobile, it’s becoming increasingly frustrating for mobile users.

This is something that Google has noticed for a very long time, but they have recently done something about it. Now, any site that actually works properly with mobile phones will display a ‘mobile friendly’ tag next to it in the search results.

It will allow users to easily notice which websites are going to work properly on their mobiles, letting them only click on sites that they will be able to navigate their way around smoothly.

So, mobile users will not have to struggle around unfriendly sites, and mobile friendly sites will have a massive boost to the number of visitors that they receive.

This should hopefully increase the number of webmasters that make the effort to make their websites mobile friendly – because sites that fail to do so will start falling behind massively

There have also been rumors that mobile friendly sites will actually get a boost to their rankings. Though with this change being very recent, there has not yet been enough data to actually confirm this.

If anybody is interested in seeing if their site is mobile friendly, you can check here. You can also check out this guide to help you understand how mobile friendly sites are built.

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