Are You A Facebook Voyeur?
Last Updated on: 5th August 2022, 09:37 am
Definition of Voyeur according to
“A voyeur is someone who likes to watch people without them knowing.”
So…. are YOU a Facebook Voyeur?
Let’s take a look and find out….
Do you watch your competitors week after week?
Do you follow what they are doing on your newsfeed?
Do you follow their business moves? Their launches?
Do you grimace at their successes and grin at their failures? (Even just a tiny bit?)
This is the danger of Facebook.
It has the power to corrupt your thinking as an entrepreneur.
It’s making you unoriginal.
It’s affecting your mindset.
You’re being affected by “group-think” and aren’t able to come up with new ideas without comparing yourself and your offerings to others.
Time To Break Out
It’s time to break out from following competitors..time to FREE Your mind to be original…time to ask your prospects and clients what THEY want and need from you instead of just following the market.
Simply unfollow your competitors on Facebook (yes, right now!), start brainstorming ideas on a daily basis and very soon you’ll be ready to launch something brand NEW.
Research What’s Currently Doing Well…In Other Markets
To help speed up the process in practical terms – I come up with new marketing ideas rapidly by using competitor research tools such as Adespresso and other tools. They allow me to see which ads are currently doing well, gaining hundreds of likes and comments fast, and from this I can gain ideas for my own marketing.
Now of course – I’m NOT using those tools to follow my competitors. I am instead looking at other markets to find what is doing well currently.
So for example – if you are a life coach, check out what’s currently doing well in health.
If you’re a health coach, check out what’s currently doing well in internet marketing.
If you’re a business coach, check out what is doing well in life coaching.
Get the picture?
The key is to research other markets.. find what’s doing well, and use THAT to come up with ideas both for your marketing AND for your new products/programs.
Need Help With your Facebook Ads?
If you’d like my personal help developing something ORIGINAL that positions you as a leader online then I’m here to help.
Whether you’d like to work with me either privately or as part of a small group to get your Facebook Ad funnel up and running FAST – the next step is to simply book in a call.
Book in a free initial call with me here. We’ll look at:
- How to position what you offer so people get it
- How to stand out as a leader online
- How to bring in leads using Facebook Ads
- What’s held you back so far from success with your ads
I look forward to helping you break away from Facebook Voyeurism!
Until then…
Best wishes
Claire Jarrett
(More interested in Google Ads? Get better results faster! If you’re ready to set up profitable campaigns and achieve rapid Google Ads success in 7 easy steps, get your copy of my best-selling Google Ads book!)