Should You Be Using Your Face In Your Facebook Ads?
Last Updated on: 13th November 2024, 07:00 am
If you are building a brand around yourself as a coach, consultant, expert, speaker or author, should you use an image of yourself in your Facebook marketing? On the one hand it lets your audience connect with you, but it can also keep you stuck as the face of the company forever, unable to scale.
For me, a big part of what has worked for me on Facebook in the past has been building a personal brand using pictures of myself. And I have a team of people in my business and don’t feel tied to my brand at all. So I’m going to answer this using a variety of different images that have worked for me in my marketing.
Let’s jump in and take a look.
Should I be using my FACE in my advert?
I’m a firm believer in personal branding – especially on Social Media. People buy people after all.
So from that respect by using your picture in your advertising – you will be starting to brand yourself.
If you choose to go down this path – it’s a good idea to get some decent pictures taken by a professional – maybe a few shots of you pointing, laughing, smiling, jumping etc that you can later use in your ads.
Take a look at my examples on this blog for some ideas of shots you could use. These are all ads that have worked for me over the last 12 months.
What If You’re Brand New To Facebook Ads & People Don’t Have A Clue Who You Are?
So what happens if you are brand new to Facebook Ads, and people haven’t got a clue who you are?
In this instance my advice to you is simple – split test images of you against normal stock images and see what performs best. I tend to find images of me do equally as well as stock images if I have had them edited as per the examples on this page.
We all have to start somewhere – people need to start recognising images of you if you want to start building a personal brand. So try a variety of different images of you alongside stock images, advertise consistently enough, and people WILL start remembering your face.
The One Time You SHOULD ALWAYS be using your Face In Your Advertising
In retargeting adverts where you are following people around Facebook (and possibly the web) with your adverts – it’s definitely a good idea to use your face, as people will already recognise your image on a subconscious level. Take a look at my example – you can see it’s aimed at people who already know me – I’ve even jumped straight to using my first name.
Using Your Image Doesn’t Have To Involve A Graphic Designer
You don’t need a graphic designer to create amazing images of you – here’s an example of an ad I created and edited using a tool called Addtext that did really well, generating a lot of applications in my business. I quite simply took the image of me and added a caption over the top.
What do you think? Do you use images of yourself in YOUR marketing?
By the way…
Did you see my latest Facebook training, where I shared with you what is working right NOW in Facebook Advertising to generate leads?
Click here to view the free training
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