How To Turn Your Expertise Into A Facebook Marketing Funnel That Takes Leads From Cold To Hot in Under 7 Days
Last Updated on: 5th August 2022, 09:36 am
Do you want the foolproof way to take your “real-world” expertise and turn it into an online “funnel” that brings you leads in 7 days or less?
If you find yourself speaking at events and conferences, having articles published in the press, and are well known locally – then it must be pretty frustrating that online – no one knows who you are!
Maybe you’ve built up a library of materials – videos of you speaking, magazine and newspaper snippets, publications you’ve written, but you’ve got no clue how to use it to bring in new prospects?
Even worse, maybe you tried hiring someone to do it for you – but the leads it brought in didn’t have a CLUE who you were, and were so “cold” that by the time you got off the phone you were feeling pretty “down” about this whole Facebook Marketing thing.
It does NOT have to be this way.
Using a simple strategy based on the “7 touches” marketing principle (which proves that prospects need to see our brand 7 times before being ready to buy), you can take a lead from totally cold and NEVER having heard of you to hot and ready to buy in under 7 days!
The strategy is based on the fact that Facebook users use the platform regularly – multiple times per day – combined with the fact we can follow prospects around continually once they have engaged just once with our brand.
To help, I’ve compiled an easy to follow list that will show you how to take your expertise and turn it into a funnel in under 7 days!
- Place a Facebook retargeting pixel on your website (ask your web designer to do this or if you use WordPress – use a tool such as Tracking Code Manager) and make sure you include it on the landing pages/ thank you pages you create
- Now it’s time to think about bringing in cold traffic who have NEVER heard of you. Create a “opt-in” document that takes 5-7 minutes to consume (audio and video are fine too!) that solves one of your ideal client’s biggest problems.
- Advertise your document on Facebook by identifying some potential targets – who do your ideal clients follow online? Aim to get opt-ins for less than a couple of pounds or dollars each.
- Create an audience of those who opted in for the document so you can follow them around with your other ads shortly
- Now it’s time to get to 7 touches FAST in under 7 days by demonstrating your expertise! So now it’s time to create adverts to other materials – here are some suggestions:
- Testimonial video or testimonials page
- Articles you’ve had written or published on well regarded blogs such as my post on Huffington Post here
- Blogs you’ve written on your own website
- Webinars you’ve recorded such as my automated webinar here
- Videos you’ve created such as those on my page here or of you speaking
- And the ultimate – direct to book in an appointment
- Always make sure you’re showing the other marketing touches ONLY to your retargeting audience, who have already heard of you so are well on their way to being pre-sold! You want people to say “wow, I see your ads everywhere!” but you also DEFINITELY want them to say “You really seem understand my pain!”. Each of the ads above needs a really small budget – just £2 per day will be enough for most of you.
- The key is at the end of every single piece of content you put out there – ASK FOR THE SALE! Simply offer to help – and ask them to book in for a call to find out how. It’s as simple as that.
Imagine having this working in YOUR business.
- No more unqualified leads.
- No more prospects wanting to compare you to the competition.
- No more prospects saying they want to think about it.
- Prospects knowing who you are, what you do, and how you do it.
That’s the power of creating a 7 Touch Facebook Marketing Funnel.
Get Your 7 Touch Funnel Set Up & Delivering Leads NOW
I work with clients one on one to help them get set up and working in their business.
I GUARANTEE that if you follow it, it will bring results and bring you in qualified leads.
However it’s not for everyone.
You MUST be truly great at what you do – and be ready to set this up fast.
If you’d like to talk to me about setting this up fast in your business – let’s chat.
Simply book in a call with me now
(More interested in Google Ads? Get better results faster! If you’re ready to set up profitable campaigns and achieve rapid Google Ads success in 7 easy steps, get your copy of my best-selling Google Ads book!)