4 Predictions For Social Media in 2015
Last Updated on: 5th August 2022, 09:06 am
2014 saw a massive increase in both the number of users on social media platforms, as well as the number of businesses that were using it to advertise their businesses.
With the end of 2014 coming quickly, let’s look to the new year and make some predictions for things to change in social media.
Google+ Will Decline (Even More)
Google+ didn’t gain anywhere near as much attention as people were expecting. In fact, even Google’s own staff doesn’t use G+ at all. With Google authorship dying a death, and the chief evangelist leaving the company entirely, we can be sure to expect an even bigger decline over the course of the next year.
Advertising Methods Will Change
With countless businesses taking advantage of ads on places like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to get more exposure for their brands, you can be sure to see this change in the next year.
Not only will more and more businesses jump on social media’s highly targetable ads to attract the right customers, but the means in which they do it will change.
Video Will Become More Widely Used
Video ads haven’t taken off anywhere near as much as was expected, but we will definitely see even more usage next year.
Whilst it is way more complicated for businesses to create video ads rather than create a simple Facebook ad, more people will begin to see it’s benefit and take the time to create a video.
Youtube is the obvious platform for this to kick off, and we are already seeing more and more people jumping on to it as 2014 is coming to a close.
Analytics & Data- More Options And Usage
As it stands, there isn’t a great deal of analytical data to run through. When you compare social ads to something like Google AdWords, you see a big difference in the amount of data to crunch.
In 2015, I predict that there will be much more data to go through and more people will learn how to use it to their advantage and get a better ROI from their marketing.
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