The Foolproof Way To Launch Your Membership Program This Week

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Last Updated on: 5th August 2022, 09:06 am

Launch A Membership Site Fast

Here is the foolproof way to turn your knowledge into a Membership Program in a few days, rather than putting it off for another year. 

If you know that you’re currently reaching the limit of the number of hours you can work, yet your income is still lower than you like, you need to do something about it! That means taking your knowledge and creating an automated Membership Program to deliver your knowledge on autopilot, generating a recurring monthly revenue for your business. It certainly SOUNDS great – but how easy is it actually create in practice?

I’ve compiled an easy to follow list to help you launch a Membership Program FAST

Step 1 Survey your list. What’s their BIGGEST problem?
Don’t have a list? Simple survey your Facebook friends, LinkedIn contacts, or find Facebook groups to post it in.
Use something like Survey Monkey to create the survey.

Step 2  Gather your responses together for 24 hours or over a weekend – what is the problem you can help them solve, quickly?

Step 3 Identify how you can help that solve that problem using a series of steps.
Take them from start to finish to overcome the problem quickly and they will love you forever.

Step 4 Create a webinar that offers to help overcome their issue. Show them tons of amazing stuff, create raving fans, and make an offer at the end to those that want help overcoming the problem fully. Give an Early Bird offer and some amazing bonuses to get people to buy immediately. Some will buy – some won’t – it doesn’t matter as you will get great referrals from those who saw your webinar anyway (This is also the key to putting your prices up, as delivering webinars develops online authority FAST).

Step 5 Now put together the training for your new buyers (it doesn’t matter if you just have one buyer or if you have lots to start with – the key is to get momentum and just START) and place it into a membership site. We suggest a theme like Optimize Press although we do build the sites completely for our program members to make it easier.

Step 6 Automate your webinars and your advertising and start running it 24/7 bringing in buyers to your new training

And Hey Presto – an automated business bringing in buyers and new prospects!

Look, you know that you want clients coming to you, rather than you going to them. Automated webinars and advertising delivers that.

You also know you want to be working less hours and spending more time on things you love.  A membership program delivers this.

If you need help planning any of this out or putting it together, I’ve now personally helped clients in many different niches to create their very own Membership Program.

If you’re currently working far too many hours, for too little return, then maybe I can help you too.

The first step is to simply book in a Planning Session .

We’ll jump on the phone for a 60 minute conversation and help you plan out how YOU could launch your online Membership Program rapidly too. We’ll help you figure out exactly WHY you’re not already currently getting the results you desire, and discuss how to turn your expertise into an Online Program.

There is a catch however. The consultation is only for those are seriously committed to getting rapid change in their business, and have the courage to see this through! If you’re ready to get this done,  then I can’t wait to see how I can help.

The next step is to book in your complimentary Planning Session .

If you’re ready to set up profitable campaigns and achieve rapid Google Ads success in 7 easy steps, get your copy of my best-selling book!

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