How To Be Omnipresent on Social Media in less than 30 Minutes Per Day

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Last Updated on: 7th May 2024, 11:06 am

Freaked out by the thought of being active on multiple social networks?

I regard a strong social media presence as ESSENTIAL – not least because what could happen to your business if you were to lose your Facebook Profile, Twitter account or LinkedIn profile? So doesn’t it make sense to ensure you have encouraged your followers to follow you across multiple platforms in case you lose access to one?

So in this blog I’m going to show you how I manage all 3 of the main networks on less than 30 minutes per day while managing a 6 figure per month business:

Create Great Content

Unless you have something great to say or share – you’re not going to have anything worth sharing. It’s essential that you create great content, give away some amazing stuff and at the end of your content simply add a call to action. Examples of great content worth sharing on social media are automated webinars, blog posts, videos, and other “bribes” that you might want to create in order to get their email address. If you’re creating blog posts and people won’t need to opt-in – make sure you’ve put Facebook retargeting code onto it so you can follow people around with your ads at a later stage instead.

Creating good content isn’t a one time thing – make a regular commitment and get it out there daily or at the very least weekly.

Automate What You Can

Now you’ve got great content being created – you need to share it, and re-share it yourself continually, and also get other people to share it. Here’s a few tools I use to automate that process:

IFTTT allows you to set up links to automatically share your latest blog posts to Facebook profiles, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn and Twitter. This way you’ll never need to remember to go and share your latest blog

Revive Old Post – this WordPress Plugin allows you to automatically Tweet out your old blogs. I choose to share mine hat are up to 12 months old to avoid sharing anything too out of date. There are options to schedule to Facebook etc as well, but personally I find it works best for Twitter. I choose to set it to Tweet 3 or 4 times per day. If you don’t have many blogs, you won’t want it going out more than once or twice per day to begin with until you have more blogs on your site.

Triberr – I’m a member of multiple Tribes & get a maximum reach of 114 million people from this free to use site. You simply join relevant tribes, share tribemates posts, and in return they share yours. This is a great way of building a Facebook retargeting list and also getting free subscribers.  This balances out my Twitter feed, making sure I am not just tweeting out my own posts (which would get me unfollowed very quickly!)

Specific Strategies For Each Platform

LinkedIn – Simply reuse your past or current blog posts by posting them as Pulse updates, connect with those that read it or comment on it and you’ll be building a highly engaged community on LinkedIn.

Twitter – I choose to Follow Back everyone who follows me (I do this manually from the app, takes me a couple of mins per day). I also follow people who Retweet my posts or Like my posts. I’m going to be honest and say I read very little on Twitter – I just keep a highly active profile which is there for me if I ever need it. I gain a lot of followers, visitors, and subscribers by linking it to Triberr, mentioned above

Facebook – my main platform. I spend about 10 to 15 minutes per day on Facebook to answer messages etc. I update my status a couple of times per week.

My specific Facebook strategy was to hit 5000 friends as fast as possible which I achieved a few years back, ensuring all new friend requests turned into Followers. I’m connected with a large number of my clients and actively engage with their updates daily.

I choose to post positive status updates as much as possible and very rarely share negativity. I unfollow people sharing negativity of any sort as a positive mindset is essential for success!

(As you may be aware – Facebook Ads and Google Ads are where I spend the majority of my advertising budget, I haven’t included the time I take here in the 30 mins per day as I have specific targets for these.)

Need Help?

If you’d like my help getting Social Media working in your business, I have a variety of different coaching and training programs starting from $99 per month for video training each month right up to coaching and mastermind groups that start at $6000. If you’d like to book a call to discuss how I can help, click here and choose a time. I’m looking forward to seeing how we can assist you! Don’t forget to connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and say hi 🙂

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share this post via social media!

(More interested in Google Ads? Get better results faster! If you’re ready to set up profitable campaigns and achieve rapid Google Ads success in 7 easy steps, get your copy of my best-selling Google Ads book!)

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